
Sunday, August 10, 2008

How to watch live Olympic online on YouTube?

From Daniel Poon -

If you don’t want watch delayed telecasts of the Olympics or if you don't have access to any broadcast, you can watch it live on Youtube. Here's how -

Start Firefox 2 or 3…

1. Go to the YouTube Home page
2. On Firefox, click Tools | Options…
3. Click the Privacy tab
4. Click the “Show Cookies…” button
5. On the search box, type youtube and you’ll see a couple of youtube cookies
6. Now delete the cookie named GEO by clicking the “Remove Cookie” button. Don’t do it on all the cookies, just the GEO line.
7. Now go back to the YouTube page that you have open. This step is very important. Make sure you have the YouTube home page while doing this.
8. On the URL line: cut and paste this:

9. Click enter and you’ll set a popup box but don’t worry it’s normal.
10. Now on that same page, type the URL: