
Thursday, February 19, 2009

Comcast: 50Mbps speeds to 65% of territory by end of 2009

From Ars Technica -

Comcast recently announced it hopes to roll out wideband Internet connections to 65% of its footprint in the US this year. It has already introduced beefed-up DOCSIS 3.0 speeds to more than 15 million homes and businesses, roughly 30% of its footprint, and its goal is to eventually get its entire footprint up to a minimum of 12Mbps.

Comcast first introduced DOCSIS 3.0 in April 2008, pricing the 50Mbps tier at $149.95 per month. The newly renamed Extreme 50 service is now a bit cheaper at $139.95 (upstream speed is 10Mbps). Its other new service tier is Ultra, which offers speeds of up 22Mbps down and 5Mbps up for $62.95. Most current Comcast customers will at least get a speed boost from DOCSIS 3.0. Performance broadband customers will see their speeds doubled to 12Mbps/2Mbps up, while Performance Plus subscribers get a boost to 16Mbps down. Comcast's newly implemented 250GB monthly bandwidth caps will also remain in place for its DOCSIS 3.0 deployments.